Friday, November 24, 2006


Sitting in front of a big conference room I was on the edge of my seat, tensed waiting for my opportunity for a long time. There were lots of questions on my face to which I didn’t have any answers. “What would be next life..?”, “Will I able to complete my mission successfully..??” “How much my past life going to affect my new life..?? all this and lots more. The atmosphere was cool, with cool breeze flowing which did not help me from perspiring. Before me there were 2 people waiting for their turn and third one was in conference room. The clock was ticking but not fast enough for my turn to come and each time I looked at the clock it would have passed only 2-3 mins.
Suddenly the door opened, the sound of which disturbed my thoughts. I tried to take a glimpse of the conference hall but the door closed. Now there was only one person before me and then I would take a walk through the door.

Person sitting before me was a small boy; he looked at me and smiled. I returned him the smile back nervously, just wondering when the time would pass and my chance would come.

“I wonder who my new parents would be..?” said the little boy. “I hope they would love me as much I would love them”. “What kind of parents would you like to have in your life..??.. Well what should I say to this kid, innumerable questions were running down my brain.
I looked at him and replied “I don’t care much about this; I guess I am with your thought, I want a family which would love me as much as much as I do. Even if they don’t have fame or money, they should love me”. I agree with you said the little boy.

“Oh! There’s my name now, hope we would meet again” he went inside giving me a broad smile. Queue after me was growing and making me wonder why angel doesn’t give sufficient rest to all of us instead. I could see tensed faces all around; I was trying to avoid it as I was getting more tensed but then…

I was called in few minutes and I wondered how come clock ticked early this time and there I was standing in front of huge door. I pushed opened it and slowly with great anticipation I went inside. Sitting in front on other end of the long conference table were 2 angels. The one who was called “Father” sensed my afraidness called me near him and smiled. The other angel I suppose had been to earth several times and was responsible for all spirits sent to earth. “Come sit here near me and let’s discuss about your future, I can tell you about it.” Well my heartbeats were high and I could sense what big is going to come my way. Innumerable questions went through my head, but I decided it would be wise to keep quiet.
Father came closer to me and in front of us was a huge curtain which was now opening slowly and steadily. “I have 3 scenes to show you about your new life on earth and you have to choose which one you would like to have.”
The first scene started, “It’s an unhappy scene, but I will explain why I showed you this” said father tenderly and showed me a hospital where I would enter mortality. Amidst the joys of new life a young girl was crying on her bed. “That’s your mother” said Father she loves you very much but she won’t be able to keep you with her as she knows she is not capable of raising you and giving you good life. She has consented to give you to another family who she thinks would give you a better life and she would be better mother for the spirits yet to come.
I listened carefully apparently thinking my visit to earth won’t be a smooth one or normal one. It all seemed different than what I had anticipated.
Second scene was of couple who were very sad and lonely. “This is your family on earth. They have waited long to have a child of their own. I have sent spirits to them before and know of the tender love and preparation they make to welcome this spirit and how willingly they returned the spirits back to Angels after a sojourn journey. But now their time of sorrow is past, for you would be the one whom mortals call “Adopted” to be their spirit. They would teach you great spiritual understandings. They have talked to Angles and made many promises if they given a chance to raise a child and you have been the chosen one as answers to their prayers.”

“Get up… Get up.. it’s already 7.00 in the morning.. Get up, don’t you want to go to office” my Mom shook me and my dream was broken. I was not ready to stop this dream so I again slept promising myself to get up in 10-15 mins, but my third scene never came. Today as I am sitting and thinking what birth would I like to have, I don’t have any answers for it. I am not regretting my current birth but still……
Just think over it and write your comment.


Bookmarks: 5:09 AM

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